Snow­fall in Lon­don awaits Sikh trav­eller Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja

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One mil­lion Twit­ter fol­low­ers so­cial ac­tivist and trav­eller Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja flies off with fam­ily to snow­fall in Lon­don to en­joy Christ­mas, ex­plore the UK and ap­pre­ci­ate Sikh pres­ence there. 

God is happy as snow falls in Lon­don paving the way for a White Christ­mas to wel­come Sikh so­cial me­dia ac­tivist with a mil­lion Twit­ter fol­low­ers and globe trot­ter Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja, wife Harki­rat Kaur and tod­dlers Rehras Singh and Aad Sach Singh on their maiden trip to the United King­dom.

In its first ever cam­paign to pop­u­larise Lon­don and Birm­ing­ham as amaz­ing fam­ily des­ti­na­tions, Visit Britain is spon­sor­ing the fam­ily trip, hop­ing to en­list many more Pun­jabis to en­joy their last win­ter days of the year in the UK.  With air con­nec­tiv­ity be­tween Am­rit­sar, Lon­don and Birm­ing­ham, likely to be­come a re­al­ity soon, it should not come as a sur­prise if Pun­jabis start cel­e­brat­ing their hon­ey­moons, an­niver­saries and the New Year eve in the UK in the years to come.

On the eve of the trip meant to en­joy Christ­mas, ex­plore Lon­don and Birm­ing­ham as tourist des­ti­na­tions, to meet Pun­jabis and Sikhs who have made it big in the UK and to gen­er­ally un­der­stand how Sikhs made Britain their home over the cen­tury, busi­ness­man-choco­latier from Lud­hi­ana -Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja en­joyed a high tea evening with Mr. An­drew Ayre -the Deputy High Com­mis­sioner of the British Deputy High Com­mis­sion Chandi­garh.  

We are happy pro­mot­ing British tourism to Pun­jabis and I hope that with Har­jin­der Singh Kukre­ja’s trip, there will be more tourists to the UK than ever be­fore.

The Great Britain cake was the dar­ling of the evening and the ic­ing on the cake was the Deputy High Com­mis­sion­er’s rec­om­men­da­tion to Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja to visit and en­joy Cad­bury’s sweet and bit­ter choco­lates dur­ing his stay. The ex­cite­ment of the fam­ily was pal­pa­ble and so was the en­thu­si­asm of the High Com­mis­sioner and the Visit Britain of­fi­cials.

Snowfall in London

Deputy High Com­mis­sioner An­drew Ayre was ec­sta­tic about Pun­jabi hos­pi­tal­ity and hopes to rec­i­p­ro­cate the same for Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja and other trav­ellers in the UK. Speak­ing to World Sikh News he said, “We are happy pro­mot­ing British tourism to Pun­jabis and I hope that with Har­jin­der Singh Kukre­ja’s trip, there will be more tourists to the UK than ever be­fore.”

God will­ing, this is the be­gin­ning of a new phase of spread­ing cheer, good­ness and peace through my so­cial me­dia reach for my fam­ily, friends and the world at large.

The lively tête-à-tête be­tween the two, ex­plor­ing the huge pos­si­bil­i­ties of Britain as a fam­ily tourist des­ti­na­tion in win­ter and not just in sum­mer as is usu­ally thought of, gave a fore­taste of what was in the off­ing for Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja and his fam­ily. It was a toast to Great Britain. The ed­i­tor of the World Sikh News was pre­sent on the oc­ca­sion. Read­ers are in­vited to spare a few mo­ments and view the video of the con­ver­sa­tion.

Sikh Harjinder Singh

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Dash­ing and debonair Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja said, “God will­ing, this is the be­gin­ning of a new phase of spread­ing cheer, good­ness and peace through my so­cial me­dia reach for my fam­ily, friends and the world at large.”


255 rec­om­mended

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