SOS: Clarion call to Sikh humanitarian groups and Sikh Samaritans

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Deeply perturbed over the rising deaths of Sikhs, minorities and the poor in Delhi, World Sikh News editor Jagmohan Singh makes a fervent appeal to Sikh Samaritans and Sikh humanitarian bodies to respond without delay to assist the Sikhs under stress and distress due to rising incidence of Covid19 infections.  It is time to sink all differences and separate approaches and adopt a common minimum programme to save lives through primary medical care,  palliative care and counselling services to the families of the ailing and dead. 

SIKHS, OTHER MINORITIES AND THE POOR ARE ON THE EDGE OF A PRECIPICE IN DELHI  as the health systems show signs of collapse with the increasing incidence of Covid19 infection.

The public sector health arrangements, which have always been wanting in India and the third world have not shown any major signs of change, despite the enormity of the pandemic. The private sector shows that beneath the PPE cloaks, there are sharks waiting to pounce on vulnerable patients.

 Read also: Delhi's middle class Sikhs vulnerability to Covid19 infection a deep concern

Palliative care is not even being talked about and counselling for family members of those who suddenly die is totally missing.

Gurdwara bodies, despite their huge potential, are announcing and embarking on proposals which will not serve the needs of the community. It is time to begin small. Micro-steps are needed, not mega projects.

Delhi Sikhs beckon you. Whether you are in Delhi, Punjab, India or anywhere in the world, please join hands and heads to network and save precious lives.

In the next few weeks, the situation will take a turn for the worse. The numbers are going to be mind-boggling.

 Read also: Wages of hubris: India overtakes Italy as a Covid19 hotspot

When they were unable to tackle or even address the issue of farmer suicides in the country, the government of India and state governments started to fudge the data. They, in fact, stopped reporting suicides, even officially. This game has already started with Covid19 deaths and numbers of positive patients. The ICMR is being forced to suppress its statistics, forecasts and warnings.

All announcements by governments, heretofore, have shown shallowness of intent and action. They are simply bamboozled by the situation and are taking reprieve in violating human rights and electioneering.

There is a dire need to educate and re-educate vulnerable sections of society. The basic do’s and don’ts need to be repeated. Stay home, unless absolutely necessary needs to be shouted from rooftops.

 Read also: Major Covid-19 public health crisis looms over Delhi and India in July

Individual good Samaritans and Sikh humanitarian, religious, social and medical bodies need to immediately step in before it is too late.

Wherever we can get space -Gurdwaras, educational centres, dormitories -we need to set up primary health care facilities, quarantine and isolation wards. Ambulances have to be on call. Sadly, we need to prepare for hearse vans too. Oxygen cylinders, pulse oximeters and everything else need to be provided. Doctors and paramedics need to be incorporated to marshall medical resources and assistance. Priests and volunteers can take up counselling.

Delhi Sikhs beckon you. Whether you are in Delhi, Punjab, India or anywhere in the world, please join hands and heads to network and save precious lives.

Wherever we can get space -Gurdwaras, educational centres, dormitories -we need to set up primary health care facilities, quarantine and isolation wards. Ambulances have to be on call. Sadly, we need to prepare for hearse vans too. Oxygen cylinders, pulse oximeters and everything else need to be provided. Doctors and paramedics need to be incorporated to marshall medical resources and assistance. Priests and volunteers can take up counselling.

Unquestionably, Sikhs in general and Sikh humanitarian bodies in particular, those mentioned and those not referred to, have demonstrated capabilities to render humanitarian food services across the world. It is time to take Sewa to the next level by starting health services like Guru Harkrishan Sahib.

Serve Sikhs. Serve humanity. Save the day. Today.

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