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Shesh Narayan Singh

Do Sau Bees -220, that’s how many we need, Oh God!


What does it take to be a Shesh Narayan Singh? Decades of hard work, hon­esty and hu­mil­ity. To­day, we lost him to Covid19, as we have many oth­ers in the last few weeks. Ace jour­nal­ist SP Singh pays a hum­ble first-per­son trib­ute ac­knowl­edg­ing his dili­gence, scho... More »

Cronavirus checking

Un­lockIV in In­dia could not have been be more ill-timed


The tran­si­tion from Lock­down to Un­lock has been quite a po­lit­i­cal stunt­man­ship in In­dia show­ing no re­spect for the ac­tual pan­demic sit­u­a­tion, the warn­ing of var­i­ous in­ter­na­tional health au­thor­i­ties and mon­i­tor­ing agen­cies. It has now reached its nadir ig­nor­ing... More »