The power of ‘giv­ing’ spreads cheer and sat­is­fac­tion, adds lus­tre to lives

 -  -  198

In this paint­ing of young artist Gurleen Kaur, ac­com­pa­nied as al­ways with a beau­ti­ful poem, we can see the re­flec­tion of the large trees and even of smaller and the thinnest ones, telling us that what you are, you have the power to re­flect and that re­flec­tion gives you a sense of sat­is­fac­tion. On the United Na­tions In­ter­na­tional Day of Char­ity -5 Sep­tem­ber, Gurleen Kaur penned a few lines on the power and pos­i­tiv­ity of “giv­ing”.

AS YOU SO, SO SHALL YOU REAP, IS A TIME-TESTED ADAGE and every­one has seen it in thick and thin.  ‘Do good, have good,’ goes an­other one. Yes!! God has his way to pay you back pro­vid­ing you with the lus­tre that you lack from the life around you. Dur­ing the cur­rent pan­demic, it has been com­fort­ing to see large-hearted in­di­vid­u­als and or­gan­i­sa­tions, ris­ing to the oc­ca­sion and par­tic­i­pat­ing in the power of ‘giv­ing.’

What you are to­day, what­ever good­ness, strength, pos­i­tiv­ity you pos­sess is for a rea­son. Con­stantly, one needs to re­flect around one­self and find peo­ple who for some rea­son lack the lus­tre that you have. Ac­knowl­edge them, in­vig­o­rate their lives through char­ity and em­pa­thy. This will cer­tainly give you ful­fil­ment and sat­is­fac­tion in your ex­is­tence.

In a gi­gan­tic cri­sis, like the pre­sent one, her­culean ef­forts were re­quired and peo­ple sim­ply poured their hearts out with­out any dis­crim­i­na­tion what­so­ever.  The spirit of hu­man­ity was at work. We still re­quire this to go on and per­haps in­crease in scope and sphere so that no in­di­vid­ual goes hun­gry and no one stays sick for want of treat­ment.

So, come on!! Spread light!!! Don’t wait, time waits for no one, you never know how far is your end but your good deeds will never die in the hearts and souls around you.

I asked, what’s the power in ‘giv­ing’?
‘He’ said, it makes life worth liv­ing.
Go!! Try it!!
Oh re­ally! Noways, I’m not the right fit,
I’m so blem­ish­ing
Since the pat­ter of tiny feet, every­thing’s so con­fus­ing
I kept ex­plain­ing.

Life’s ca­dences kept mov­ing
One day, it dawned cloudily and be­fore rain­ing
‘He’ re­vealed, ‘every cloud has a sil­ver lin­ing’
Dis­cover yours by soul-min­ing
And spread it
Till the rocks start shin­ning.
It’ll keep you smil­ing.

A de­sire in­side started bloom­ing
Au­tho­riz­ing me to catch the call­ing
He needs! she needs me!
I felt grate­ful, ‘He’ chose me.
With each gap bridg­ing
I could feel my heart grow­ing
Can­didly, pre­cisely grow­ing!!

198 rec­om­mended

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