Times of India defamation of Sikhs intolerable, unacceptable

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The Old Lady of Boribunder has had a go at the Sikhs again. It is systemic in their thoughts and works. It seems to be ingrained in their philosophy towards Sikhs and Sikhism and is frequently reflected in their editorials and opinion columns.  I have not yet forgotten the vituperative diatribes of TOI editor Girilal Jain in the eighties of the last century. Even then he had to face the ire of the Sikhs as he went hammer and tongs against the community. We, however, do not recall conscience-keeper common-man cartoonist R. K. Laxman of Times of India, defaming the Sikhs. The present cartoonist Sandeep Adhwaryu of Times of India has crossed the limits of journalism to support government propaganda. WSN opposes this and invites readers to lodge their protest with the Times of India.

THIS CARTOON IN THE TIMES OF INDIA 14 JANUARY 2022 edition is derogatory, insults an entire community, is aimed at creating a narrative of Sikhs being in league with Pakistan, paints the community as separatists, and even projects the view that any aspirational idea of the community is conceived and nurtured by Pakistan.

The cartoon is part of the same propaganda that tried to describe the Kisan Andolan activists as Khalistanis and questioned where the money and resources were coming from. It is beadbi of the entire quom of the Guru.

The Times of India must immediately withdraw the cartoon, remove it from the website, offer a public apology and declare the steps it plans to take to fix editorial and managerial responsibility for the criminal lapse in judgment, and what it plans to do to ensure that persistent violations of media ethics, journalistic practices and code, and community sensitivities do not happen again.

The cartoon is part of the same propaganda that tried to describe the Kisan Andolan activists as Khalistanis and questioned where the money and resources were coming from. It is beadbi -blasphemous insult, of the entire quom of the Guru.

All Liberal, Democratic, Religious, Secular, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Atheists are angry with TOI.  Will someone initiate proceedings against the cartoonist and the newspaper and stop the spread of the communal virus, whose origins are in India and nowhere else.

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