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Continuing our showcasing of poems of our young poet, here is another one for those who feel stressed and hurt. As we all go through this at point or another, it is for all. Enjoy!

By invidious gossip, don’t get distrait.
Get rid of the fit of this incipient pique.
Nip this in bud while it is still inchoate.
Something will be anodyne, just go and seek.

You may right now feel somewhat stultified
but such situations have arisen even before
to one and all, justified or unjustified,
you are not alone to be hurt to the core.

Such arduous days and these times hard
are part and parcel of life after all.
Troubles have left obscure men scarred,
and the greatest ones have also seen a fall.

But not everyone has a trend, a history
of forefathers fought with the vigour inner
in a fashion unheard, unseen, utter mystery
one with hundreds of thousands, emerged winner.

Your problems are trivial in front of those
of many who for ideals laid down all they had,
and suffered in life and death spates of throes,
still they smiled, laughed, were in fact, glad.

* Originally published in LangLit, May 2015

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