UK MP Tan Dhesi trolled, gives be­fit­ting re­ply

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World Sikh News stands by Tan Dhesi who has been trolled by “his own” peo­ple with a holier-than-thou at­ti­tude, for not do­ing ad­e­quate enough for the #Free­Jag­gi­Now cam­paign and re­as­sures him of full sup­port and urges him to ig­nore and move ahead and ex­horts the over en­thu­si­asts in the Sikh Di­as­pora to be rea­son­able, just, fair, de­mo­c­ra­tic and Sikh-like.

Bri­tish MP Tan­man­jeet Singh Dhesi, the first tur­baned Sikh MP from the Slough con­stituency but in a larger sense the MP of all his Slough con­stituents and many Sikhs and other right-think­ing peo­ple across the UK, nay the world, known for his sim­plic­ity, knowl­edge, ex­per­tise and forth­right­ness in es­pous­ing the just cases of not only the Sikhs but all other con­stituents has right­fully and grace­fully hit back at the overzeal­ous “key­board war­riors” amongst the Sikh Di­as­pora who want him to con­tinue the Free Jaggi cam­paign at their beck and call and not in ac­cor­dance with the norms of par­lia­men­tary pro­ce­dures and sys­tems. 

These ov­er­en­thu­si­as­tic trollers, gen­er­ally anony­mous, who want all Sikh rep­re­sen­ta­tives, me­dia groups  and cam­paign­ers to ac­cept their view­point have scut­tled de­mo­c­ra­tic work­ing about which they com­plain against the In­dian gov­ern­ment. This one Gur Singh, who has writ­ten foul lan­guage in bad Eng­lish is part of the phe­nom­ena who do not un­der­stand that within hours of the de­ten­tion of British na­tional Jag­tar Singh Jaggi by Pun­jab po­lice for fo­ment­ing ter­ror­ism, due to the the power and reach of so­cial me­dia, with the ac­tive in­ter­ven­tion of Slough British MP, Sikhs across the UK and the world sought a fair and just trial for the ac­cused who has been tor­tured as men­tioned by his lawyer in open court and de­nied fam­ily and con­sular ac­cess in the first week of his ar­rest.

Tan­man­jeet Singh Dhesi in a be­fit­ting re­ply posted on Face­book to the likes of Gur Singh has said, “When peo­ple re­sort to abuse, they are ac­tu­ally do­ing a dis­ser­vice to their own cause. I will do what I gen­uinely feel is right, rather than be forced by any­body to fol­low their pri­or­i­ties or way of think­ing. When my staff or I face abuse, we have a zero tol­er­ance ap­proach of dis­tanc­ing/​dis­as­so­ci­at­ing/​block­ing neg­a­tiv­ity. It is bet­ter to be sur­rounded by pos­i­tive peo­ple and thoughts, and work­ing for the col­lec­tive good, rather than be dom­i­nated/​led by “loud voices” or key­board war­riors.”

Me­dia in­flu­encer Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja, with his large fol­low­ing has also been trolled for not “tak­ing up the cause”, speak­ing ex­clu­sively to World Sikh News has said, “I stand like a rock with my friend Tan­man­jeet Singh Dhesi and want to tell him all good peo­ple face such times.  His­tory records that even Guru Nanak Sahib -the First Mas­ter of the Sikhs was also called names. So, do not worry.  Please con­tinue to do good work for all hu­man­ity. Sikhs stand by you.”

“It’s so true that you can never please every­body, re­gard­less of how hard you’re work­ing. Ar­guably I have worked on/​dealt with/​high­lighted more Sikh is­sues than most within a short span of time, and will con­tinue to do so in my own way…With re­spect to re­cent abuse, let me re­it­er­ate once again my mes­sage from the last ten years of pub­lic ser­vice that I am not merely a Sikh MP/​rep­re­sen­ta­tive speak­ing solely on Sikh is­sues. Such neg­a­tiv­ity will not de­ter me from the Sikh ethos of Sar­bat da bhala -work­ing for the bet­ter­ment of all, re­gard­less of back­ground, colour or creed” elab­o­rated Tan­man­jeet Singh Dhesi.

Colum­nist Harsaran Singh said that “The men­ace of on­line trolling by a sec­tion of the Sikh Di­as­pora on so­cial me­dia is un­fair and un­for­tu­nate. Whether it is anti-In­dia cam­paign or a cam­paign against any Sikh au­thor­ity, they have crossed the bar of de­cency and re­sorted to foul lan­guage, un­sub­stan­ti­ated facts and false­hood to push their agenda. You can’t have it both ways.

Tan Dhesi is a re­spected mem­ber of British par­lia­ment and the Sikh na­tion’s pride. I hail him/ Hav­ing such a re­spon­si­ble po­si­tion he can­not sim­ply start mak­ing a ca­coph­ony of noise, every now and then. He has to work within a de­fined frame­work. Even if at some point he does not take up a cause, no­body has the right to abuse or taunt. I am ashamed of these youth who mind­lessly use foul lan­guage and de­mean their own Sikh lead­ers, he fur­ther said.

It is re­ally heart­en­ing that British Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment across the board, ris­ing above party af­fil­i­a­tions and many Sikhs who work with rea­son and logic have whole­heart­edly sup­ported Tan Dhesi and de­nounced the abusers as fringe el­e­ments who do not un­der­stand that abuse is the low­est form of ar­gu­ment.

Speak­ing to WSN on the phone line from Slough, Dhesi con­stituent Cha­ran Singh said, “One gets such rep­re­sen­ta­tives af­ter a long time and we bet­ter be care­ful and in­tel­li­gent to sup­port him and not over­awe him. We are proud of him.”

 If you like our sto­ries, do fol­low WSN on Face­book.

World Sikh News en­dorses every word that the suave and gen­tle Sikh par­lia­men­tar­ian has said and urges the Eng­lish and Pun­jabi speak­ing Di­as­pora to be as de­mo­c­ra­tic them­selves as they ex­pect oth­ers to be and we wish to re­mind them that the Ninth Mas­ter -Guru Tegh Ba­hadur, whose mar­tyr­dom we will be ob­serv­ing in a week from now said, ਭੈ ਕਾਹੂ ਕਉ ਦੇਤ ਨਹਿ ਨਹਿ ਭੈ ਮਾਨਤ ਆਨ ॥ Bhai Kaahnu ko det naih, naih bhai manat aan. -Frighten none, fear none. See, the first words are that you do not need to frighten some­one then comes the words that you don’t need to fear. Un­doubt­edly, the Di­as­pora grants you free­dom to ex­press your opin­ion, but if all your en­er­gies stay fo­cussed for the wel­fare of the Sikhs and hu­man­ity, you would be serv­ing the cause, not oth­er­wise.

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