Vishavjit Singh’s Cartoons, Turbans & Confronting Hate

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Politics and society fail mankind. Artiste and Sikh Captain America Vishavjit Singh exhibits Sikhtoons in Seattle from 4 May to confront hate-mongers.

The Sikh Captain America, the tall lanky Sikhtoons creator (, the public speaker imparting tolerance skills to students and others -Vishavjit Singh beckons you to visit his first cartoon exhibition in Seattle beginning 4 May with the opening reception in the evening of 3 May at Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience at the Seattle Central Library.  Readers in the US are invited to register for the events at this Facebook event page.

When politics fails, art takes over. When Democrats and Republicans fail, Michelle Wolf is needed to hold the mirror. Post 1984 and then post 9/11, Sikhs needed Vishavjit Singh to laugh, to entertain and to educate Americans about who the Sikhs are. Michelle Wolf and Vishavjit Singh conquer hate in their unique ways. Wolf strikes in the heart till it bleeds and Vishavjit Singh spokes your mind and soul.

Wolf stares at you from television screens whereas Vishavjit Singh, hurt by the hatred of 2012 attack on a Gurdwara in Wisconsin which killed Sikh worshippers, came down to the streets as Sikh Captain America. Tall, lanky, flowing beard et al, unafraid of “what people would say” made people look up to him and forced them to think.   

Speaking to WSN, Vishavjit Singh said that, “Cartoons, Turbans & Confronting Hate is an exhibit of my cartoon art journey following the tragedy of 9/11 attacks.” World Sikh News exhorts readers to visit this story-telling museum which will instill hope and demolish hatred.Vishavjit Singh

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When he stood outside of White House on Inauguration day of US President Donald Trump he had surmised that the road to demolish hatred is long and arduous. Hate politics causes a nasty turbulence. Awareness and amusement and not anger can conquer it. Indeed! Visit the exhibition which is to run till February 2019 and spread the cheer to disarm hate mongers.


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