Walk alone in the dark, cold night and as­sist your­self

 -  -  104

Soli­tude some­times brings gloom. Some­times soli­tude in­spires too as we see things from a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive. At times when we are over­whelmed with gloom, noth­ing can cheer us, nei­ther the lux­u­ri­ous clothes nor the bright stars. Though we all have friends and rel­a­tives to help us, we all have prob­lems that we have to face alone in or­der to suc­ceed, keep­ing faith in the Almighty -who is al­ways there for sup­port. Here, in this poem, bud­ding po­et­ess Gurleen Kaur de­liv­ers a mes­sage she man­ages to see through the life of a horse.

THE IN­NO­CENCE OF HORSES CAN BE SEEN IN THEIR EYES. They are a mag­nif­i­cent cre­ation of God. They have re­mained loyal friends of hu­man be­ings since time im­memo­r­ial. They lend us the wings we lack.  Also, they showed their brav­ery dur­ing the wars in the past. They stand ir­re­sistible like a king.


As­sist your­self
As­sist your­self and gal­lop
Throw jit­ters away, just swoop
When drained, don’t stop but trot
Re­mem­ber, your reins are in the Mas­ter’s hands
His mirac­u­lous whip, makes you cross hur­dles in all lands
Trust Him, don’t crave for oth­ers help
And as­sist your­self
New curve turns up
And the suf­fer­ing swal­lowed up.
Ready for take-off?  Gal­lop!!

Walk alone by Gurleen KaurAs­sist your­self
On the bro­ken roads firmly stand up
Way to des­tiny be­gins with falls, so don’t yowl
Hard work goes never in vain
Wait till you train
For life’s a trial you need to cope up

Done with the cross coun­try?
Be glad, set­ting the way for oth­ers to fol­low up
Now, get ship­ping ban­dage tied for the next
Show­ing kind­ness and love, as­sist your­self.


Gurleen Kaur is a Pun­jab-based bud­ding artist and writer, in­ter-twin­ing her taste for paint­ing and writ­ing in a unique way.  She de­picts com­mon day life on her can­vas with ease and writes es­says to bring out the good­ness in peo­ple. 


104 rec­om­mended

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