#WeWil­l­Re­mem­berThem -Sign for Sikh War Memo­r­ial in cen­tral Lon­don

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World Sikh News in­vites read­ers to join the cam­paign of British MP Tan­man­jeet Singh Dhesi for a Na­tional Sikh War Memo­r­ial in cen­tral Lon­don; sign and share on Face­book, Twit­ter and email the on­line pe­ti­tion #WeWil­l­Re­mem­berThem.

#WeWil­l­Re­mem­berThem. Spare a few mo­ments and com­mem­o­rate the mem­ory of our fore­fa­thers who laid down their lives in dis­tant lands with their full Sikh at­tire, with ad­her­ence to the Sikh faith and with a com­mit­ment to up­hold the Sikh mar­tial tra­di­tions. 

World Sikh News ap­peals to read­ers to sign the on­line pe­ti­tion #WeWil­l­Re­mem­berThem seek­ing a Na­tional Sikh War Memo­r­ial in cen­tral Lon­don. Read­ers are in­vited to share the pe­ti­tion on so­cial me­dia -Face­book, Twit­ter and Email.  Achiev­ing the tar­get of a hun­dred thou­sand will make a de­bate pos­si­ble on the sub­ject in the British Par­lia­ment.

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi

British MP Tan Dhesi has ini­ti­ated the in­ter­net pe­ti­tion #WeWil­l­Re­mem­berThem, ad­dressed to the British Prime Min­is­ter Theresa May and the Lon­don Mayor Sadiq Khan which so­lic­its sig­na­tures be­cause “Sikh sol­diers ex­hib­ited ex­tra­or­di­nary brav­ery and sac­ri­fices in the ser­vice of Great Britain, in­clud­ing dur­ing both World Wars. Though Sikhs made up only 2% of the pop­u­la­tion of British In­dia, they formed 20% of the British In­dian Army dur­ing the First World War, and hun­dreds of thou­sands of Sikh sol­diers saw ac­tive ser­vice dur­ing the two ma­jor wars and many other con­flicts.”

 If you like our sto­ries, do fol­low WSN on Face­book.

The Early Day Mo­tion of Tan Dhesi has al­ready gained sup­port of 244 Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment, in­clud­ing po­lit­i­cal stal­warts across the party spec­trum -the high­est by any EDM so far in the cur­rent house of the British House of Com­mons. 

Click NOW and sign the pe­ti­tion at #WeWil­l­Re­mem­berThem

155 rec­om­mended

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