Who is “responsible” for the untimely death of Jarnail Singh?

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Who is responsible for the death of Jarnail Singh? Was it the unknown complications arising out of vaccination that led to the deterioration of his health? Did the AAP government in Delhi, of which he was a pillar, did enough to save him? What role, if any, did AAP Sikh and other activists play? Did the Sikh leaders in Delhi do enough to save the stalwart? World Sikh News Delhi columnist Gurmeet Singh impartially looks into the questions, to which there are no easy answers.

EVEN WHILE ACCEPTING THE WILL OF GOD in true Sikh tradition, it is not wrong to lay blame at the doors of someone who was expected to do more and better than what was done. However, there is no scope for abuse, fallacious logic and distrust.

Young Sikh activists and Jarnail Singh’s family members moved heaven and earth to get the best medical attention but hit a wall. Their efforts were focused, yet the environment and situation made it impossible for them to get the best attention, treatment and follow-up for Jarnail Singh.

Former Aam Aadmi Party MLA in the Delhi Assembly, journalist-turned-politician Jarnail Singh, passed away on 14 May 2021, after spending two weeks in the euphemistically called Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital. 

Delhi CM at Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi

The Rajiv Gandhi Superspeciality Hospital is a government hospital and that itself says a lot.  This is the same hospital where actor and You Tuber Rahul Vohra died gasping for breath and recorded the apathy of the hospital staff for his family and the Delhi government.  He died on 10-11 May 2021. Did anything change in the working of the hospital after his death?  Had the Delhi government and the Union government swung into action, Jarnail Singh -an occupant of the same ward could have been saved.

Rahul Vohra’s wife, even in the face of the death of her husband, sought “Justice for every Rahul” in her Instagram post, shared here.  The gasps of the actor are shattering.  

 Read also: JARNAIL SINGH (1973-2021) — The Man Who Threw A Shoe At Injustice

Though the AAP party got him admitted there, after his lack of Oxygen tweet, they swung into some SOS action only when he was already put on the ventilator, some 72 hours before his demise.  


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Covid infection combined with the comorbidity of high Blood Sugar complicated matters for him. He had taken the vaccine on 18 April.

The irony is that Jarnail Singh must have undergone acute pain recuperating in the hospital named after the carnage-accused former Prime Minister of India -Rajiv Gandhi, against whose complicity in the pogrom of Delhi 1984, he had been fighting. 

In the dying stages, young social activists and his family went scouting for ECMO, of which Delhi has less than a handful. Considered a lifesaver, ECMO could not be arranged despite moving from one hospital to another despite offers to buy it. In a last-ditch effort, the night before he passed away, the Super Speciality Hospital in the private sector -Medanta Hospital was contacted, the senior doctors there said that as he was already on a ventilator and his condition was not stable, it would be difficult to admit him.  The next morning, in the early ambrosial hours, he passed away into the immortal world.

In the dying stages, young social activists and his family went scouting for ECMO, of which Delhi has less than a handful.

The rise of Covid19, especially in the second phase has seen greater demand for ECMO.  What is it? Why and when does a patient need it? Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is used when ventilators don’t help. It is effectively an artificial lung or heart. This is used when all other forms of heart and lung support fail for critical patients. It works by temporarily drawing blood from the body to allow artificial oxygenation of red blood cells and removal of carbon dioxide with a machine. There are two types of ECMO, veno-venous, which supports lungs and veno-arterial, which supports both lungs and heart. 

Was it the absence of ECMO or was it the absence of support from both the Delhi Government and the Centre Government which led to inadequate treatment of the former legislator?

As in life as in death, outspoken Jarnail Singh was not treated well by his party -the Aam Aadmi Party

As in life as in death, outspoken Jarnail Singh was not treated well by his party -the Aam Aadmi Party. While he was battling for life, his companions and family were sounding the Delhi government leaders about his deteriorating health, yet no special efforts were made to shift him to a better facility, which is generally done at the drop of a hat for other leaders. 

The man who quit his legislative post to go to Punjab to create a base for the AAP party’s fight in that state in the previous parliamentary elections and the man who was removed from the party for a mere tweet sharply questioned the party on its implementation of the three disputed farm laws. He brought to the fore that the Delhi government had officially implemented the three far laws via a notification, but for public consumption were making a hue and cry n the floor of the Delhi Assembly and in the upper house of the Indian parliament. 

Unquestionably, the Sikh leaders in Delhi and even elsewhere could have done more than what they did. 

Could the Delhi government have arranged an ECMO and better treatment for him? Certainly. The question of the Delhi government being vengeful or negligent will always stick in Sikh minds.

Unquestionably, the Sikh leaders in Delhi and even elsewhere could have done more than what they did. 

The manner and extent to which social media warriors go into a tizzy when a stalwart passes away -questioning the fundamental concept of Sewa in Sikhism, -resorting to abuse of leaders -big and small, -distrusting Sikh aid organisations and activists is unparliamentary, unjustifiable, un-Sikh-like and an inhuman approach in these difficult times. 

Dreams to build community hospitals should be nurtured and implemented. Not being able to build institutions is the collective failure of the community.

Could the Delhi government have arranged an ECMO and better treatment for him? Certainly. The question of the Delhi government being vengeful or negligent will always stick in Sikh minds.

Our fight is against the government and its inability to treat people and provide relief to the needy in times of disaster. Bringing the fight back into the Sikh fold, as if governments can be absolved of their crime is begging the question. It is time to raise voices so that governments get their acts straight. 

 Read also: JARNAIL SINGH (1973-2021) — The Man Who Threw A Shoe At Injustice

We are living in tough times. Death is a will of God, –‘Hukam‘ or ‘Bhana‘ as life and death are in the hands of the Almighty. There are reasons for death but the sad truth is one loses near and dear ones. 

Jarnail Singh was blessed by Akal Purakh to play his role. His loss is huge for his family, Sikhs and the journalistic fraternity. May he live in peace at the lotus-feet of the Almighty.

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