Why you should not miss “The Black Prince”

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Why should you not miss The Black Prince? Re­views from Man­ches­ter Film Fes­ti­val and Toronto Film Fes­ti­val give you enough rea­sons to see the film and col­lec­tively make it the “Sikh movie of the cen­tury.”

The Black Prince will be screened world­wide on 21 July. As WSN has said in its lead ar­ti­cle, no one should miss it. You can watch it in Eng­lish, Pun­jabi and Hindi.

With a bom­bard­ment of films every week in In­dia, it is im­por­tant for Sikhs and friends of Sikhs to un­der­stand the im­por­tance of view­ing the movie The Black Prince.

It will help un­der­stand the his­tory of the Last Ma­haraja of Pun­jab -Ma­haraja of Pun­jab, played by renowned singer Sartin­der Sar­taj and his mother Ma­ha­rani Jinda, played by vet­eran ac­tress Sha­bana Azmi.

The film screened at var­i­ous film fes­ti­vals across the globe last year, has re­ceived rave re­views with both Sikhs and oth­ers ad­mir­ing the movie, the act­ing and the his­tory that it un­folds. 

It is re­mark­able to lis­ten to an Eng­lish viewer says that he felt a lit­tle ashamed at what the British monar­chy did to the child Duleep Singh.

Watch the video of the Man­ches­ter Film Fes­ti­val and the in­ter­view of Satin­der Singh Sar­taaj at the In­ter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val of South Asia in Toronto. 

The Black Prince is your time to re­call the ho­n­our and glory of the Sikhs, for­got­ten by the Sikhs and buried by those in­im­i­cal to the Sikhs. 

142 rec­om­mended

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