World Sikh News stands up for Paramjit Kaur Khal­ra’s hu­man rights pitch

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Be­gin­ning the WSN se­ries of an­nounc­ing sup­port to can­di­dates in all of the 13 con­stituen­cies of Pun­jab, World Sikh News ex­horts vot­ers in the Malwa-Ma­jha con­stituency of Khadoor Sahib to elect Paramjit Kaur Khalra -wife of hu­man rights de­fender Jaswant Singh Khalra who was ex­tra­ju­di­cially killed by the for­mer Pun­jab po­lice chief KPS Gill and his ‘cats.’

If any­one in Pun­jab de­serves to win the elec­tions hands-down, it is Paramjit Kaur Khalra, who is con­test­ing as a nom­i­nee of the Pun­jabi Ekta Party, led by the ebul­lient Sukh­pal Singh Khaira -for­mer AAP leader and son of for­mer Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Sukhjin­der Singh.

World Sikh News ap­peals to the peo­ple of Pun­jab to make a pil­grim­age to the his­toric Khadoor Sahib con­stituency and sup­port whole­heart­edly the cam­paign of Paramjit Kaur Khalra.

For the first time in many years, hu­man rights is a po­lit­i­cal and elec­toral is­sue in an elec­tion thanks to the voice of Paramjit Kaur Khalra, who is adding to the voice of her late hus­band who was ex­tra­ju­di­cially killed af­ter he ex­humed the records of  thou­sands who dis­ap­peared in­vol­un­tar­ily af­ter they had been cre­mated in the of­fi­cial fu­neral houses of Tarn Taran and Am­rit­sar as “Un­known.”

“I will go to the In­dian Par­lia­ment and ask the In­dian state to ac­count for the thou­sands of Sikhs killed ex­tra­ju­di­cially.”

It is com­fort­ing to see that po­lit­i­cally non-aligned ac­tivists and Pan­thic lead­ers are lend­ing full sup­port to her, though still more has to be done to make it a Pan­thic fight against the fas­cist, feu­dal and sec­tar­ian pol­i­tics of the Bharatiya Janta Party-Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal nom­i­nee Ja­gir Kaur and the fis­si­parous pol­i­tics of the Con­gress party nom­i­nee Jas­bir Singh Dimpa.

The mag­na­nim­ity and po­lit­i­cally cor­rect ap­proach of the newly-formed Tak­sali Akali Dal is praise­wor­thy as in def­er­ence to the can­di­da­ture of Paramjit Kaur Khalra, they with­drew the can­di­da­ture of for­mer army chief Gen J. J. Singh. The for­mer gen­eral also showed no ac­ri­mony and a large heart in his whole-hearted sup­port.

It is heart­en­ing to see civil and po­lit­i­cal rights ac­tivists and on­line news por­tals hail­ing her role and work in bring­ing hu­man rights to the fore­front in the gen­eral elec­tion cam­paign 2019.

Di­as­pora Sikhs must con­tribute to her crowd-fund­ing cam­paign. Still, there is time and some Di­as­pora ac­tivists should con­verge in Tarn Taran to cam­paign for her.

If you have friends and as­so­ci­ates in the  Pun­jab As­sem­bly con­stituen­cies of Jan­di­ala, Tarn Taran, Khemkaran, Patti, Khadoor Sahib, Baba Bakala, Ka­purthala and Sul­tan­pur Lodhi that com­prise the larger Taran Taran Par­lia­men­tary area, then use your Face­book, What­sApp and other so­cial me­dia ac­count urg­ing them for sup­port. Em­pow­er­ing Paramjit Kaur Khalra is strength­en­ing the rights move­ment in Pun­jab.

The key to her suc­cess is the KEY but­ton on the Elec­tronic Vot­ing Ma­chine and the con­stituents of the his­toric area of Khadoor Sahib must press the KEY but­ton.

 World Sikh News stands up for Sikh rights and Pun­jab in­ter­ests

 World Sikh News takes stand in elec­tions, de­bunks In­dian me­dia neu­tral­ity

 ਵਰਲਡ ਸਿੱਖ ਨਿਊਜ਼ ਬੀਬੀ ਪਰਮਜੀਤ ਕੌਰ ਖਾਲੜਾ ਦੇ ਹੱਕ ਵਿੱਚ

This is an un­miss­able life-time op­por­tu­nity.  She is fight­ing this bat­tle for us. We can­not af­ford to see her de­feat. Every Sikh and Pun­jabi voter in the con­stituency must re­mem­ber her clar­ion call, “I will go to the In­dian Par­lia­ment and ask the In­dian state to ac­count for the thou­sands of Sikhs killed ex­tra­ju­di­cially.”

333 rec­om­mended

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