World Sikh News stands up for Sikh rights and Pun­jab in­ter­ests

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Who should Pun­jab vot­ers elect on 19 May? World Sikh News urges the peo­ple of Pun­jab to de­feat the forces of fas­cism and feu­dal­ism.

WSN bench­marks for choice are in­ter­ests of the Sikh na­tion, con­cerns and de­sires of the peo­ple of Pun­jab, de­feat of fas­cist forces, build­ing al­ter­na­tives to op­por­tunists within the Sikh com­mu­nity which have led the Sikh com­mu­nity and the state of Pun­jab on a path of de­struc­tion, snub­bing pop­ulism and nepo­tism and crush­ing ris­ing pseudo-saint­hood in and around Pun­jab and de­vel­op­ing so­lu­tions to the agrar­ian cri­sis and a stop­page of the tide of flight of Sikhs and Pun­jabis from their home­land.haratiya Janta Party and its can­di­dates in Pun­jab are agents of fas­cism and hate. The World Sikh News opin­ion is cat­e­gor­i­cal -that the Bhar­tiya Janata Party must be de­feated in Pun­jab.

 World Sikh News stands up for Paramjit Kaur Khal¬ra’s hu­man rights pitch

 World Sikh News takes stand in elec­tions, de­bunks In­dian me­dia neu­tral­ity

 ਵਰਲਡ ਸਿੱਖ ਨਿਊਜ਼ ਬੀਬੀ ਪਰਮਜੀਤ ਕੌਰ ਖਾਲੜਾ ਦੇ ਹੱਕ ਵਿੱਚ

At the World Sikh News, we are clear that as an in­formed me­dia for the peo­ple of Pun­jab,  it is our duty to stay alert and aware and keep our read­ers well-in­formed.

In the in­ter­est of the Sikh Na­tion and Pun­jab, af­ter con­sid­er­a­tion of var­i­ous fac­tors, World Sikh News  urges vot­ers in Pun­jab to elect the fol­low­ing can­di­dates:


378 rec­om­mended

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