WSN ap­peals to en­dorse ap­peal to re­view Cit­i­zen­ship Amend­ment Act

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Hu­man rights bod­ies -Hu­man Rights De­fend­ers’ Alert – In­dia (HRDA), In­dian So­cial Ac­tion Fo­rum (IN­SAF) and United Against Hate (UAH), in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Peo­ple’s Union for Civil Lib­er­ties (PUCL) will be writ­ing to In­di­a’s Na­tional Hu­man Rights Com­mis­sion seek­ing re­view of the di­vi­sive Cit­i­zen­ship Amend­ment Act passed by the In­dian Par­lia­ment.  The World Sikh News ap­peals to you to en­dorse the pe­ti­tion. The DEAD­LINE for En­dorse­ments: 9 PM, Tues­day, De­cem­ber 17, 2019

THE TIME IS NOW. The peo­ple of In­dia, es­pe­cially Mus­lims and more es­pe­cially Mus­lim stu­dents are fac­ing the wrath of the bar­baric state ma­chin­ery, which was ev­i­denced in the last night at­tack by the Delhi Po­lice on stu­dents within the li­brary of the Jamia Milia Uni­ver­sity in Delhi.

To stop the fires of di­vi­sive­ness from chok­ing the rights of the peo­ple, The World of Sikh News ap­peals to read­ers to en­dorse the pe­ti­tion pre­pared by com­mit­ted hu­man rights ac­tivists and or­gan­i­sa­tions.

Please share with friends and as­so­ci­ates. The open­ing para­graph is men­tioned here. The ap­peal is ex­haus­tive and com­plete.

Click the link be­low and en­dorse the Ap­peal:


The Chair­per­son and Mem­bers,
Na­tional Hu­man Rights Com­mis­sion,
New Delhi.

Sub­ject – Urg­ing the NHRC to ex­er­cise Sec­tion 12 (d) of the Pro­tec­tion of Hu­man Rights Act and re­view the Cit­i­zen­ship Amend­ment Act 2019

Re­spected Sirs and Madam,

We, the con­cerned cit­i­zens, write to you to­day re­gard­ing the Cit­i­zen­ship Amend­ment Act 2019 (CAA), passed by the In­dian Par­lia­ment on De­cem­ber 11, 2019 and re­ceived Pres­i­den­t’s as­sent on De­cem­ber 12, 2019. CAA vi­o­lates Ar­ti­cle 14 of the In­dian Con­sti­tu­tion. This when cou­pled with the Na­tional Reg­is­ter of Cit­i­zen­ship ex­er­cise, which is to be un­der­taken na­tion­ally, vi­o­lates not only Ar­ti­cle 14 but also Ar­ti­cles 15 and 21. …….


Click the link above and en­dorse the Ap­peal.



160 rec­om­mended

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