WSO hosts World Interfaith Harmony Week in Surrey

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World Sikh Organisation of Canada hosts World Interfaith Harmony Week in Surrey to foster understand, love, respect and sharing in a strife-torn hate-filled world.

As intolerance is being fed by a section of society and world political leaders, there is a crying need for understanding of the religious ethos of world religions and share the same with practising people of other faiths. Furthering its commitment to understanding and peace, the World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) will enable the hosting of the World Interfaith Harmony Week in Surrey, British Columbia on January 28th.  

This annual event sees faith communities and interfaith groups come together for World Interfaith Harmony Week to showcase the much needed work they do for the common good of all.  The World Interfaith Harmony Week was adopted by the United Nations in October 2010 and since then is being observed regularly. It was proposed by the King of Jordan.

The UN resolution among other objectives, “reaffirms that mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue constitute important dimensions of a culture of peace.”

This event will be a great opportunity to celebrate Interfaith Harmony through music.

This year, working in partnership with Daughters of the Drum, the Naad Foundation, Multifaith Action Society and Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara, WSO is helping to host the event “Celebrating Our Differences: Creating Positive Change in a Divided World”. Through stories and songs from many spiritual traditions, the program will explore how to create positive change in a time of great uncertainty and fear and how individuals can positively empower themselves going forward.

In a press release, WSO National VP Bhavjinder Kaur said, “this event will be a great opportunity to celebrate Interfaith Harmony through music.  We are excited to support this program that brings together people of diverse backgrounds to celebrate our differences and also explore what we share.”

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Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara at 8115 132nd St, Surrey, BC will be the venue where the traditional Sikh communal meal will be served and entry will be open for one and all.

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